
uma questão a ser considerada é o fato de eu querer ficar criando identidades para cada vômito meu internet afora. não, nunca isso será possível porque eu sou caos e caos e do nada (do nada) só respiro e foda-se, vou lá viver minha vida burguesa e me preocupar com uma profissão ingênua que olha o mundo mas não muda o mundo mas não molda o mundo mas não

daí essa ânsia: eu sei que o pensamento inerte queima, arde, cria câncer mesmo no corpo mas como me cristalizar enquanto eu numa realidade num tempo numa ideia do que penso ou pareço ou quero ser? eu sei lá o que quero ser?

embrace your weirdness. thats what i've read somewhere on the internet and it made so much sense to me that right now i feel like i can only express this (poorly) in english. maybe thats not the weirdness they that was told about but whatever. whatever.

maybe i'll never be who i think i might want to be; maybe i'll just stay an older version of me as my parents became an older version of them and made me (at least with love) and i'll just have to tender some kind of person so i can feel that any of my feelings about the state of the world is kind of memorable.

maybe creating memories for myself isnt enought. maybe i'm in some kind of journey of memories for others - memories like my owns - and its so fucking hard, so fucking hard.

i'm not trying. im just faking it. faking it so i can feel like ive tried in some short future but still faking.
fake fake fake



sair da zona de conforto

sair da zona



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